This is the home page of the Open Source Patent Analytics project. The aim of the project is to make patent data more accessible by identifying open source tools that can be used in analysis and a series of tutorials and walkthroughs of common tasks in patent analysis. The project has been commissioned by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and will be published as the WIPO Manual on Open Source Patent Analytics. However, any opinions expressed on this site are exclusively those of the authors and should not be interpreted as reflecting or expressing the views of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
The basic idea behing the project is that anyone should be able to access and analyse patent data given the right walkthroughs and tools to work with. For that reason the project is being led by a non-programmer who is responsible for the walkthroughs.
##About the Authors
My name is Paul Oldham and I am leading the development of the Open Source Patent Analytics manual as a free tool for patent analysis. I originally trained as an anthropologist and spent a long time in the Amazon in Venezuela living and working with indigenous peoples before becoming interested in working on intellectual property. Dr. Stephen Hall is a computer programmer who is contributing some of his time on the programming side when Paul gets stuck. Mark Cutter is a lawyer with a background in social science and public engagement who is working on the survey aspects of the project.
In the coming months the site will begin to fill up with information and please also feel welcome to visit the GitHub repository. If I can ever work out how to create a working link to the Google channel (not as easy as it should be) then I will add the link to the Open Source Patent Analytics YouTube channel. Until then we hope you find the project materials useful.
Paul Oldham 04/04/2015