UK Company Index for Access and Benefit-Sharing

Paul Oldham

The UK Company Index for ABS

Paul Oldham

One World Analytics

Simon Industrial Fellow

Manchester Institute for Innovation Research

Alliance Manchester Business School


The Question: How to independently identify companies and organisations utilising genetic resources & associated traditional knowledge in the UK?

Our Solution: Build an index of companies/organisations who have filed a patent application that:

  1. contains a reference to genetic material (a species name), and;
  2. contains a UK applicant or inventor.

We could do this because we had already indexed 14 million patent documents (1975-2013) for species names as reported earlier in a PLOS ONE article.

Why Patent Data?

Issues with patent data


We extracted the patent applicant names from the patent documents and performed a lookup using a combination of:

  1. UK Companies House data;
  2. Open Corporates and similar services;
  3. Manual and automated web searching.

Our aim was to obtain registration numbers, postal addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses for the entities so that they could be contacted by DEFRA and/or the UK regulator.

All data was cross-checked but proved to be very messy to work with.


  1. A main table excel sheet and supplementary tables (a boring table);
  2. A simple online map;
  3. 600 (of 1525) companies and organisations emailed for the UK consultation on ratification;
  4. An early stage interactive online App (that allows companies to be looked up).

Results = A boring table

Major UK Sectors

The Interactive App visit the live version

The Data Table visit the live version


Data Issues

We had aimed to automate the entire process but the data was very MESSY and required extensive cross-checking by a combined team of 5 people:

Contact Detail Issues

Sector Issues

Identifying sectors proved time consuming because the SIC data was so poor. We adopted an approach of:

Thoughts on the EU

Main Issues

Thoughts on Strategy

Patent Data

Company Organisation Data

National Data Sources

Other EU data sources (indicative)

Lessons Learned from the UK project

A much more difficult task than it appeared to be!!!